The New Jersey Institute of Technology that we know today has a rich history with its beginnings in the Industrial Age.
The New Jersey Institute of Technology that we know today has a rich history with its beginnings developing from the industrial age. 就像世界上许多港口城市一样, 19世纪末的纽瓦克是一个繁荣的工业中心. 它的工厂大量生产线材、金属、油漆和皮革制品. 在纽瓦克, 托马斯·爱迪生在他的沃德街工厂为他后来的成就奠定了基础, and Edison rival Edward Weston established the first factory in the United States for commercial production of dynamo electric machines.
3月24日, 1880, the Essex County assemblyman in the state legislature introduced “An Act to Provide for the Establishment of Schools of Industrial Education.纽瓦克贸易委员会发起了这项法案. 该法案建立了三所工业教育学校:一所在纽瓦克, 一个在特伦顿,一个在霍博肯. 第一届董事会于1884年7月1日召开. 纽瓦克技术学校周一开学, 2月9日, 1885, 88名学生不顾可怕的暴风雪前来上课.
第一节课, 大部分是夜校学生, 在西公园街21号租来的一栋楼里上课. 很快,学校的设施就不够容纳不断扩大的学生了. 以满足学校发展的需要, a second fundraiser — the institution’s first capital campaign — was launched to support the construction of a dedicated building for Newark Technical School. 1886年,在学校充满活力的第一任校长的领导下. 查尔斯一. 科尔顿, the cornerstone was laid at the intersection of High Street and Summit Place for the three-story building later to be named Weston Hall in honor of the institution’s early benefactor. 1913年,一座后来被称为科尔顿厅的实验室大楼被添加到校园中. 丹尼尔·霍奇登从1918年到1920年担任纽瓦克技术学校的主任.
在博士. 艾伦R. Cullimore, 从1920年到1949年谁领导这个机构, the modest Newark Technical School was transformed into the Newark College of Engineering (NCE). 坎贝尔大厅建于1925年. 在经济大萧条和第二次世界大战的萧条时期, 只有前纽瓦克孤儿收容所, 现在是Eberhardt Hall, 是由学院购买和翻新的吗.
The postwar period was one of enormous activity during which 总统 Cullimore — like today’s post-Cold War university presidents — challenged the college to turn “wartime thinking into peacetime thinking.”
1946年,大约75%的新生都曾在军队服役. 罗伯特W. Van Houten was acting president of NJIT from 1947 until 1950 when the board of trustees named him president. Cullimore Hall was built in 1958 and two years later the old Weston Hall was razed and replaced with the current seven-story structure. 引入了博士级课程,六年后, in 1966, 一个面积, 四幢楼扩建完成. 威廉·哈泽尔接替了. Van Houten在1970年担任十大网赌平台校长.
In 1973, 随着新泽西建筑学院的加入, 该机构已发展成为一所技术大学, emphasizing a broad range of graduate and undergraduate degrees and dedication to significant research and public service. 一个比以往任何时候都强大的纽瓦克工程学院仍然完好无损, but a new university name — New Jersey Institute of Technology — signified the institution’s expanded mission.
扩大的使命要求创建一个住宿校园. 十大网赌平台第一个宿舍开放, 红木堂, 1979年开始了一段持续至今的稳定增长期.
在索尔K的领导下. 窗口, 从1978年到2002年担任十大网赌平台校长, four new schools were established at the university: the College of Science and Liberal Arts in 1982; the School of Management in 1988; Albert Dorman Honors College in 1995; and the College of Computing Sciences in 2001. 在罗伯特。A. Altenkirch, New Jersey School of Architecture was reconstituted as the College of Architecture and Design in 2008.
在乔尔年代. 布鲁姆, NJIT于2013年完成了Gateway项目的第一阶段, 包括沃伦街村的建立, 一个3英亩, mixed-use residential housing complex that added 600 beds to NJIT’s existing inventory of residential housing. The complex includes the Honors College Residence Hall and five duplex homes for NJIT’s Greek organizations, 还有餐饮服务, 为大学社区提供便利商店和健身中心.
4月13日, 2017, 200多名学生, 校友, 教师, staff and friends of the university witnessed the official ribbon cutting of the renovated Central King Building, part of a campus transformation designed to enhance the student experience and solidify NJIT’s position going forward as one of the nation’s leading public polytechnic universities. 2017年11月10日,NJIT为22万平方英尺的Joel大楼剪彩 & 黛安·布鲁姆健康和活动中心(WEC).
12月11日, 2017, 十大网赌平台正式开放创客空间, 一个大的, 设备齐全的协作设计和测试空间, 拥有最先进的机械设备, including additive manufacturing equipment; CNC machines; a water jet; machinery for laser cutting, grinding and milling; and 一个大的 assortment of tools, 设备, 以及计量及精密测量器具. 23,000平方英尺的空间用于上课, 设计项目, team efforts and preparation for national competitions in the area of vehicle and drone design.
11月9日, 2018, 十大网赌平台推出了最新的学院, 应用工程与技术学院, 在大学的纽瓦克工程学院. SAET encompasses NCE’s engineering technology programs in two divisions (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology Division and the Built Environment Division); the baccalaureate degree General Engineering program; and a division focused on Engineering Education practice and research. SAET为大约1000名十大网赌平台的学生提供服务.
12月5日, 2019, 十大网赌平台为其微制造创新中心(MIC)举行了剪彩仪式. The MIC houses advanced equipment and a cleanroom environment that provides a state-of-the-art facility for the fabrication of micro- and nonoelectronic and microfluidic 设备 and sensors. These 设备 and sensors will transform technology across a range of areas and will accelerate work on smart 设备. 在卫生保健领域, 例如, biomarker sensors may be developed that can communicate with medical information systems to support point-of-care diagnostics and therapeutic intervention.
Along with the York Center for Environmental 研究 and the Life Sciences and Engineering 研究 Center, the MIC is an integral part of NJIT’s strategic effort to produce translational research on microchip and microfluidic 设备 with applications not only in health care, 而是在环保技术和先进制造业.
2022年7月1日,泰克C. Lim began his tenure as NJIT’s ninth president and its first person of color to serve as president. During Lim’s inaugural year as NJIT’s leader, the university achieved several major accomplishments. 枫大厅, a new 500-bed residential building opened on campus with extensive amenities available to students. Pioneering venture capitalist John Martinson donated $3 million to NJIT to broaden and deepen the curriculum and real-world experiences for top scholars at the Albert Dorman Honors College (ADHC) and throughout the university. 这是ADHC 27年来最大的一笔捐赠. 十大网赌平台迎来了首位首席多元化官.
总统 | 服务年限 |
查尔斯一. 科尔顿 | 1885 – 1918 |
丹尼尔Hodgdon | 1918 – 1920 |
艾伦R. Cullimore | 1920 – 1947 |
罗伯特W. Van Houten | 1947 – 1970 |
小威廉·哈泽尔. | 1970 – 1975 |
扫罗K. 窗口 | 1978 – 2002 |
罗伯特一个. Altenkirch | 2002 – 2011 |
乔尔年代. 布鲁姆 | 2011 – 2022 |
彭纪德C. Lim | 2022年至今 |
J. 罗伯特和芭芭拉. 希利尔建筑与设计学院(1973)